Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Error cleaning old files: java.lang.NullPointerException

Hello Everyone.

Today going to discuss about the below error.


-bash-3.2$ /opt/WebSphere85/profiles/Agent01/bin/stopServer.sh adminagent
ADMU0116I: Tool information is being logged in file
ADMU0128I: Starting tool with the Agent01 profile
ADMU3100I: Reading configuration for server: adminagent
Error cleaning old files: java.lang.NullPointerException
com.ibm.rmi.ras.Utility.newWriter: could not write to orbmsg.12032015.1310.34.txt : java.io.FileNotFoundException: /home/XXX/orbmsg.12032015.1310.34.txt (Permission denied) 
com.ibm.rmi.ras.Utility.newWriter: could not write to orbtrc.12032015.1310.34.txt : java.io.FileNotFoundException: /home/XXX/orbtrc.12032015.1310.34.txt (Permission denied)

The error which is highlighted above is very common error we normally face while start up or stop of WebSphere application server, I am facing this error while stopping the adminagent.

As it's showing permission denied it means. I don't have permission on this file which needs to clean while stop. There may the following reasons of this thing


  1. We are trying to stop the adminagent using other user than WAS, which does not have a permission to read/write this file.
  2. Some times using was user also getting same error. Means in this case you have started/stopped the adminagent [JVM] using root user previously, which changed the permissions of some files to root user and corresponding group. And now not allow WAS user to clean or replace these files.


There is very simple solution for that.
1. Goto the  /opt/WebSphere85/profiles/ location and change the owner of the profile to was:was
2. In my case it is.
   /opt/WebSphere85/profiles/> chown -R  was:was Agent01
   Which will change the owner[user/group] of all file in Agent01 profile as was.

Hope this will work in your case also. Kindly comment for your suggestion and quires.  

"Effort only fully releases its reward after a person refuses to quit.”

 Akhilesh B. Humbe

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